
1-10 of 62 results
  • healthy eyes

    Healthy Eyes | Steps You Can Take To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are things you can do to protect and preserve healthy eyes throughout your lifetime. You do yoga because you want to maintain your flexibility and strength as you age. You eat well so you don’t gain excess weight, which can lead to diabetes and heart issues. Or maybe you drink plenty of red wine,…

  • Best Eye Vitamins

    Best Eye Vitamins And Supplements | Holistic Health HQ

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You already take vitamins for the rest of your body, but so many of us forget about our precious eyes. The best eye vitamins are going to supply your eyes with the correct nutrients they need to stay strong and sharp. Your eyes are a little bit different from the rest of your body and…

  • Eye Protector

    Eye Protector | Computer Screen Eye Protection Options

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most of us spend our days and nights staring into bright screens. The blue light from computer and laptop screens can cause considerable harm to your eyes. Eye protector glasses protect you from these harms. We are looking at our computer and laptop screens more than we ever did. This is causing damage to the…

  • Aging Eyes

    Aging Eyes | How To Care For Your Eyes As You Age

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Aging eyes are very common, but in some cases, they can signal warning signs of age related eye problems or other underlying issues. Although, in most cases they are just another old age eye problem. Ask anyone in their late 40s about aging, and most will give a litany of aches and pains that they…

  • Improve Vision Naturally | Holistic Health HQ

    There are numerous methods for a person to improve vision naturally which are effective, affordable, and safe and already being practiced by millions of people in the United States.  How many times have you heard someone complain that they have lost their glasses, fell asleep with their contacts in, or that having an expensive corrective…

  • Human Eye Anatomy And How Eyes Are Impacted By Technology

    Having a basic understanding of human eye anatomy is key to understanding how technology is impacting your eyes. From a young age, many of us are told to look at people in their eyes. A person’s eyes can show if they are scared, excited, or telling a lie. We have even placed safety precautions into…

  • Holistic Healing Key Benefits | Holistic Health HQ

    It’s no wonder that people avoid going to the doctor, and it’s understandable why sick people don’t go to the emergency room, even when they feel horrible. Sometimes people may suspect that something is wrong with their health, but they may not want to face it. Perhaps you have recently faced a difficult diagnosis. Maybe…

  • Eye Function And Factors That Effect Eyes | Holistic Health HQ

    Although the eyes do not make up much of a human’s overall mass, they are extremely important when it comes to the tasks we do on a daily basis. Since the beginning of time, eyes have been a source of fascination. Colored lenses have been discovered in ancient Greece and the region now known as…

  • What Causes Migraines And Can They Be Prevented?

    A migraine is a neurological condition that comes with a variety of symptoms. Typically, they’re characterized by intense, debilitating headaches. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, numbness, difficulty speaking, tingling, and sensitivity to light and sound. What causes migraines and ocular migraines is currently under debate, as triggers vary from person to person. Unfortunately, experts…

  • Symptoms and Signs of Eye Health | Holistic Health HQ

    What is good for Eye health? Eye health is the process a person takes in order to prevent either injury or naturally occurring degeneration of the eyes. It is the maintenance of the eye structure to ensure prolonged healthy vision and prevent or treat diseases. The usage of contact lenses, glasses, or eye surgery can…