We know the topic might be off putting to some, but we’re all adults here and it’s important to make sure that our bodies get the care they deserve. There’s nothing wrong with your vagina itching, it’s actually a really common problem and one that deserves more attention than it gets right now. Just like every bodily problem, an itchy vagina can have a host of reasons behind it. To correctly diagnose and treat those problems, the cause behind the problem must be identified. In the list below, you’ll find the most common reasons for your itch down South and also what you can do to relieve yourself from that problem.

5 Best Ways to Stop Vaginal Itching Inside

When you experience vaginal itching, there are a number of things you need to do, and we’re going to go through them all here. 

  1. Find the cause.  We go into a lot of detail of what could be causing your itching inside below.  See if any of these are the cause for you, and read the recommended treatment options. 
  2. Use a DHEA Cream Before Sex. This is an important recommendation because it can help prevent much of the discomfort you may be experiencing due to dryness, and it can help lubricate the area. Use of a DHEA cream leads to the improved synthesis of the estrogen sex hormone. This hormone is responsible for better lubrication, reduced burning sensation, improved sex drive, plus overall performance. We suggest trying out the Julva Vaginal Moisturizer. However, do note that if you actually have an infection, this cream should not be used to treat it. 
  3. Use a Cool Compress to soothe symptoms. We love this tip because a cool compress can really go a long way in relieving symptoms of dryness and irritation that are not from an infection. This remedy can temporarily ease itchiness, burning and other symptoms associated with vaginal burning. This particular cool compress may be for eyes, but we suggest that it might be the right size for your lady parts. 
  4. Stop using chemical ridden Body Washes and opt for an organic Tea Tree Oil Soap Bar instead. Soaps, washes, and virtually anything that contains fragrance and chemicals has the potential to cause very uncomfortable situations. Chemical laden soaps do not align with vaginal pH, and this is a health problem. Use of chemical ridden body washes alters the normal pH of the vagina; as a sensitive and delicate part of the body, this change results in what you feel as burning or discomfort. Instead, try a Tea Tree Oil Soap
  5. Avoid tight fitting clothes like Yoga pants and wear cotton underwear. This is an important tip because if you are always in tight-fitting clothes, you are susceptible to fungal infections, yeast infections, and other pathogens. The risk is even higher if you’re taking systemic immunosuppressants. It is healthier to opt for cotton clothing because they allow the skin to breathe, so the vaginal area does not get warm. Such an environment makes it difficult for any harmful microbes to overpopulate.

Causes of Vaginal Itching

Latex Condoms

This might be the least well known of the problems that cause vaginal itching. Latex condoms are made with latex (obviously) which can cause allergic reactions in some people. The allergy presents itself as a rash on the inside of the vagina within a day and can persist for up to a week. The problem with this allergy is that it is hard to pin down as it can often be confused with a plain old yeast infection. It has the many of the same symptoms, albeit ones that don’t last as long. 

Don’t take this as an excuse not to practice safe sex, though. It is incredibly important to make sure that you have viable protection when getting hot and heavy with someone else. Most people say that lambskin condoms are the best alternative but we beg to differ. Lambskin condoms are effective at preventing pregnancy but are quite useless when it comes to stopping STIs. That’s a huge reason why we would not recommend them. It just wouldn’t feel right knowing what the risk is with using lambskin. 

The best alternative that we found to latex condoms is the female condom. The biggest factor with the female condom is the empowerment and choice that women get. They can take contraception and safe sex practices into their own hands and make sure that those practices are followed. The female condoms are also hypoallergenic which makes sure that you won’t be feeling that itch because of allergies any time soon. They do not rely on the male counterpart to maintain an erection for them to stay in place. They can be placed hours before sex and there is no immediate need to remove them after. There is also research being conducted to see if they can be reused if washed and disinfected. The initial results are promising but don’t take that as a yes to reuse them. It is always better to use them only once and then get a new one. 

As with all products, they do come with a couple of drawbacks. The first is that female condoms are more expensive than their male counterparts. They can be 2 to 3 times the price because they are a relatively new invention. It is predicted, though, that in the coming years the price will fall as more and more female condoms are used. There is also the failure rate that they carry. If the female condom is perfectly used then the failure rate is 5%, whereas if it is improperly used the failure rate jumps to 20%. That jump happens because it is an actual skill to use female condom. To use it perfectly you need to read the instructions on the box and follow them exactly.

There is one thing that you need to keep in mind though… allergy symptoms inside the vagina may not only be because of latex allergies. There are a host of things in condoms that can cause an allergy. Spermicide, lubricant, coloring, or flavoring can all cause allergic reactions inside the vagina. For these, it’s best to stick to condoms that lack these features (like the female condom) and consult a gynecologist. They can tell you exactly what’s happening and how to deal with it. They can also tell you whether you have an allergy to the condom or if you have a yeast infection.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are extremely common in women and at least 3 out of every 4 women experience an infection during the course of their lives. The infection is not sexually transmitted although sexual intercourse may lead to it. In order for you to fully understand how to treat it, it is best if we explain what it is, how it happens, and what it entails. 

What is a Yeast Infection?

The inside of your vagina is a complicated place where many bacteria and micro-organisms work together to make sure it remains a healthy place. In those bacteria you’ll find candida albicans, a fungus, and lactobacillus, a bacteria. Candida is responsible for maintaining essential functions of the body like digestion, nutrient absorption, and identifying and destroying harmful bacteria. The vagina is not the only place that it is found as it can be found in the mouth and gut as well. Given its purpose you see why it is necessary. Lactobacillus on the other hand, maintains the levels of this fungus, making sure that it does not grow out of proportion. 

A yeast infection happens when the bacteria are unable to control the population of the fungus and it spreads to where it’s not supposed to. There are multiple possible causes for this overgrowth, these include:

  • Use of antibiotics
  • Pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Compromised immune system
  • Increased estrogen levels through various sources, like oral contraceptives and hormone therapy

The following are the most common symptoms:

  • Irritation and itching inside the vagina and of the vulva
  • Burning sensation during intercourse and while urinating
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva
  • Vaginal pain and soreness
  • Rashes inside and around the vagina
  • Discharge from the vagina which looks like thick, white, and odorless cheese
  • Watery vaginal discharge

Treatment for Yeast Infection

The best way to treat a yeast infection quickly is through the use of over the counter vaginal anti-fungal creams and suppositories. If they don’t seem to work, then you might need to see a doctor. However, the best course of treatment is to prevent the infection in the first place using natural remedies.

Prevention of Yeast Infection

There are multiple things that you can do to reduce your risk of a yeast infection even though sometimes it just might be out of your control. You should try to:

  • Wear underwear made out of cotton. A fabric that breathes will help keep the balance inside your vagina stable and thus prevent yeast infection.
  • Avoid tight fitting pantyhose or leggings. Undergarments that are too tight will restrict the air supply to your vagina and make the area more humid, leading to a better growing environment for the fungus.
  • Avoid douches. During the douching process you might remove the helpful bacteria that keeps the fungus at bay. It is paramount that you try to keep your vagina as free and natural as possible.
  • Avoid feminine products that have artificial fragrances. Products like scented pads and tampons can mess with the delicate balance and thus lead to a yeast infection. You should also try to avoid bubble baths. The fragrances in bubble baths tend to constrict the production of the helpful bacteria.
  • Avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. This is an important one. Don’t not use antibiotics but reserve them for cases where you actually need them. Don’t just take antibiotics if you have a cold. Consult your doctor openly for this.
  • Avoid hot tubs and extremely hot baths. Hot temperatures can kill the bacteria while simultaneously providing excellent growing conditions for the fungus.
  • Avoid staying in wet clothes for extended periods of time. Clothes that are wet, either from exercise or swimming, are great for the fungus and can cause rampant growth of it. Take them off as soon as you can and try to keep yourself dry throughout the day.

When to Visit a Doctor

A normal yeast infection can be cured by just over the counter medications but there are cases in which it is important to consult a doctor. You should always see a doctor if it is your first time contracting a yeast infection. You should not be ashamed or embarrassed and you should always tell your doctor everything that you know. The only way that they can treat you right is if they know what’s wrong. 

You should also visit a doctor if the symptoms aren’t going away with the use of medication. That may mean that you have a more resistant strain of the infection and may need more aggressive treatment. You should also visit the doctor if you’re unsure whether you have a yeast infection or not, or if you start developing symptoms that are not related to a yeast infection. If that happens you should schedule an appointment immediately because the sooner that the doctor knows about it, the sooner they can treat it. 

Pubic Lice

More commonly known as crabs, pubic lice are a common problem. They are considered a sexually transmitted disease even though they can spread even without sexual intercourse or contact. Pubic lice are much like head lice in the sense that they cling to hairs, drink blood, and lay eggs in the hair. 

There is a distinct difference between the two and that difference lies in the hair that they attach to. The hairs on your head are typically thinner than pubic hair, armpit hair, facial hair, or eyebrow hair. That means that the lice on your head are suited to grabbing on to the thinner hair whereas pubic lice prefer the coarser hair that grows in your pubic region. That difference means that there are different treatments for both lice. Public lice generally do not go away just by shaving the affected area. Their eggs can still latch on to the small hairs and from there it’s just a matter of when, not if. The lice generally transfer through sexual contact and can even spread without penetration. They can spread through the following ways: 

  • Coming into prolonged contact with affected regions. The most common is during intercourse when lice are liable to jump ship and spread. They aren’t only limited to pubic hair though. They can survive on all the coarse hairs on your body, which includes your eyebrows, armpits, and facial hair.
  • Using an infected person’s sheets, towel, or clothes. Though lice cannot survive for long without their human host, they can survive long enough to spread through used garments. So if someone uses an infected person’s garments, they can contract the lice.
  • In extremely rare cases lice can spread from toilet seats. This is incredibly rare though because lice are unable to latch onto toilet seats as they are curved and smooth. They also can’t survive the environment so it is very rare to get them from toilet seats.
  • Sleeping in an infected person’s bed. Sleeping in a bed that is infected can easily get you lice. It may seem strange but lice can survive in beds for far longer than they should be able to.

Symptoms of Pubic Lice

The most common consensus is that symptoms for crabs sprout up about five days after contracting the lice. That is not true for all cases, though, because they may show up early, late, or not even at all. Some people with lice don’t even get the symptoms and even if they do they might attribute them to something else such as an allergic reaction or just a rash. The symptoms that crabs present itself with include:

  • Uncontrollable itching in genital regions
  • Fever, irritation, tiredness
  • Pubic lice in your hair. You’ll only find them if you look closely and in some cases you might even need the help of a magnifying glass. They are usually white or gray but can become dark when full of blood. The more blood they drink, the harder they are to see.
  • Dark blue bruises forming in your pubic area. These occur because of the bites that these lice inflict.
  • You might also notice the eggs that these lice lay. They can be found at the base of the hair and can be yellow, white, or gray. Their small size and pearl shape makes them extremely hard to spot.

Treatment for Pubic Lice

Treating pubic lice is really easy, as the method involves getting rid of them completely. Unlike other STDs, crabs don’t flare back up with the passage of time. You can find pubic lice treatments in shampoo, gel, liquid, and foam form. They are available as over the counter medicine and can be purchased by any adult. The important thing to remember is that you need to follow the directions exactly. If you don’t you might not get rid of them. It also might take multiple treatments to be completely rid of them. 

You should also wash all fabrics that might contain lice at the highest heat and dry them at the highest heat. That is the only way you can be sure that you killed them. You should also note that the treatment only kills the lice and not the eggs. You need to get rid of the eggs separately by removing them using a very fine toothed comb. Shaving helps as well but isn’t the complete treatment against lice eggs. 

Prevention of Pubic Lice

The only true prevention of crabs is to not have close physical contact with carriers until they are free and clear. It’s best to remember that lice can live off of the human body so don’t share clothes or beds with anyone currently plagued with them and wash everything at the highest heat if you want to clean something completely.  

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that causes pain, itching, and sores in and around your genital area. The disease is classified as a virus named the herpes simplex virus. Being a virus, it is incredibly easy to spread and is currently one of the most common sexually transmitted infections out there. There is currently no cure for the disease but medication can ease symptoms and halt the spread of the infection. Practicing safe sex also stops the spread of the virus, to an extent.

Symptoms of Genital Herpes

Herpes generally presents itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pain or itching in the genital area
  • Small red bumps or tiny white blisters
  • Ulcers that happen when blisters burst and ooze or bleed
  • Scabs on the skin that happen when ulcers heal
  • Flu like symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes in the groin, muscle aches, headaches, and fever.

These symptoms can happen anywhere from two to 12 days after contracting herpes. There is also the possibility of an infected person not experiencing these symptoms, or having very mild symptoms that they don’t notice. 

Treatment for Genital Herpes

There is no definite treatment for the disease. No cure has been developed for the disease but there are medications that can help managing the symptoms. If you think that you have herpes then the first thing you should do is see a doctor immediately. Abstain from sexual intercourse and make sure that you have the all clear before you engage in personal relations. 

Prevention of Genital Herpes

The only thing that you can do to be 100% sure that you won’t get herpes is to abstain from sexual intercourse indefinitely. Since that is impossible for most of us, the best prevention is the use of condoms. They can help stop the spread of the disease. You should also not have intercourse if either you or your partner has an outbreak of herpes. 

Herpes also affects pregnancies so if you’re pregnant and have herpes you need to tell your doctor. They can start you on antiviral medication in an effort to prevent an outbreak during the actual birth. You should also consider having a C-section if you have herpes and are pregnant. 

Genital Warts

Genital warts are often small swells on the skin that itch, cause pain and may bleed. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which means the only way to get it is through sexual intercourse. Often the body’s immune system kills the virus that causes these warts but if it is too weak it may not be able to fight off the infection. 

Symptoms of Genital Warts

Genital warts present with the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse
  • Itching or discomfort in your genital area
  • Small swellings in your genital area that bear the color of your flesh. Sometimes they may be gray as well.
  • Clusters of warts that look like a cauliflower.

There are cases in which a person carries genital warts but does not show any symptoms. That’s why it is always best to practice safe sex! 

Treatment for Genital Warts

There’s no treatment for genital warts that you can perform yourself. Seeing a doctor is the only way that you can get help. They can remove the warts in a number of ways including surgery, laser surgery, and liquid nitrogen therapy. If you develop symptoms of genital warts or even if you think you might have it then go see a doctor immediately. 

Prevention of Genital Warts

Condoms are effective at preventing the spread of warts. They are not 100% effective but they significantly reduce the chances that you’ll get them. There are also vaccinations against the disease that can reduce the chances of getting the disease by 50%. These vaccines are most effective before the age of 25 but can still be effective after that age. 

Hopefully this list will help you narrow down your itch and, as always, it’s always better to see a doctor. Don’t self-diagnose and self-prescribe.


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Dr. Barry

Dr. Barry

December 23, 2019