
1-10 of 72 results
  • What Causes Headaches Behind The Eyes? An In Depth Look | Holistic Health HQ

    Headaches can occur in different parts of your head and for different reasons, causing many to wonder: What causes headaches behind the eyes? Everyone will experience headaches at some point in their lives. Headaches are a common physical ailment that can affect people of all backgrounds and ages. A headache is medically defined as pain…

  • What Causes Puffy Eyes? Signs, Symptoms, & Treatments | Holistic Health HQ

    When you wake up with puffy and swollen eyes, you might wonder what causes puffy eyes in the first place. When you need to arrive at work looking bright and alert, or you’re tired of masking the puffiness with makeup and expensive creams, swollen eyes can become cumbersome. Even worse is when the puffiness is…

  • Our Most Recommended Eye Drops For Eye Strain | Holistic Health HQ

    Work and life can be exhausting on your mind, body, and eyes. Hence, why there are so many ‘best eye drops for eye strain,’ on the market. But, all sales gimmicks aside, what’s really the best option for you? This in-depth guide is meant to help you find the best eye drops to ease eye…

  • can eye strain cause dizziness

    What Is Eye Strain Vertigo | Signs, Symptoms, & Treatments – Holistic Health HQ

    Eye strain vertigo can be caused by straining your eyes too much. Can eyestrain cause dizziness? Yes, it can. In fact, eye strain dizziness is a real thing. It is not the same as vertigo, but it can make you feel like that is what you’re suffering from. Visit any amusement park across the country,…

  • Simple Eye Strain Exercises For Relief | Holistic Health HQ

    There are many eye strain exercises that can help reduce symptoms of eye strain such as headaches, dry eyes, and more. So, while eye strain is something that people often do not pay much attention to, it’s important to take the time to acknowledge it and take some steps towards making it better. For instance,…

  • How To Prevent Eye Strain | Understanding How To Prevent Eye Fatigue

    Learn how to prevent eye strain, but first, what is eyestrain and is it impacting your life? Eyestrain, or eye fatigue, can be challenging to diagnose because many may describe the symptoms they are experiencing as “just feeling tired.” Does this sound familiar? Besides being tired, are your eyes sore or are they burning or…

  • Eye Strain Causes | Understanding Why Your Eyes Feel Fatigued

    Eye strain causes range to include everything from looking at screens for too long to not blinking enough. Finding out why your eyes feel so tired is the first step to solving the problem. Rest assured, we are here to help you get to the bottom of your eye strain causes. Christine works for a…

  • Digital Eye Strain | Understanding Why It Happens & How To Combat It

    If you sit for long hours looking at a computer screen while working on spreadsheets or write thousands of words daily for articles and blog posts, you may already have experienced digital eye strain (DES). If your eyes feel sluggish and you are experiencing blurry vision, have dry eyes and achy eye muscles, then you…

  • Computer Eye Strain | Understanding Why It Happens & How To Combat It

    One of the worst feelings in the world is when you need to get your work done but you can’t because of a bodily problem—such as computer eye strain. Those who work on the computer are much more likely to have computer eye strain since, after all, they work in the industry where the condition…

  • Finding The Best Pair of Eye Strain Glasses | Keep Your Eyes From Getting Fatigued

    If you spend as much time on the computer as I do, chances are you could benefit from a pair of eye strain glasses. Rest assured, we are counting down your best options for computer eye strain glasses. I’m not a psychic, but since you clicked on this article to read, I predict that you…